CH Majik's High And MightyAnother beautiful import from Finland's Majik Kennels. Hunter was a wonderful addition to Blackpool kennels. He has offsprings at Treeverwood, Goodasgold and Eden kennels. We retired him because of my health issues. Having to cut back the number of dogs here at Blackpool we had to decide who would go, luck would be he met his new owners while showing with Jo Griffith. The family met him and asked if he would ever be retired could they please have first choice. What a coincidence faith would dictate who would go first. so now he is loved by his new family and will be happy to spend his life with them.
Blackpool's Babs This beautiful girl has now retired to a beautiful home with a retired lady. Both have bonded and are doing well together going for walks and just enjoying life. Babs had the most beautiful head which she inherited from her dad Dusty. She was a soft girl who was just not confident enough for the show ring but was and excellent home girl. She has passed her good looks to her daughter Nicky.
Majik's Mr Darcy CD Dusty is the most special boy we have ever imported. This boy produced many champions, tracking dogs, agility loving kids and more obedience titled kids. He will remain here at Blackpool as he has earned the best retirement. He is my heart dog!
CH Blackpool's Wagg Ice Cream We had this wonderful girl growing in the wings but unfortunetly she did not clear all health clearances needed to breed.So it broke our heart t have to retire her from our breeding progrma but we know it's the best thing to do for the breed.
CH.Blackpool's Ajax Once and a while there comes a dog that just can't leave at retirement Kitty, Savannah and Aj are such dogs they are so sweet so low maintenance. I never have to worry about these girls they are as predictable as a dog can be. They are very special in their own way. Aj is the ambassador of good temperament. She is sweet to everyone who comes to visit, patient with puppies and young dogs. A good educator she has helped me bring up many puppies. I just hope her daughers CJ, And son Malloy can fill her shoes. Having the surgery for the frozen litter took a lot out of AJ so now we decided she deserved to retire. I hope to see her traits in litters to come out of her girls. Love you AJ!
Blackpool's Blind Bet Bet is a Euchre X Savannah daughter who is a joy to own. She was from a litter of two pups and even though we didn't have much choice she turned ot to be a fantastic girl. Bet is one of those dogs who enjoys being with people. She would jump the runs 6 foot fence to come sit at the front door and ask to come in. If we told her no and tell her to go back in her run she would jump back in her run. A very athletic dog like her mom Savannah who at nine years old still retriever better than the young ones. When we brought her in for her heart clearence the cardiologist said her heart beat was very slow that she was one of those extremely athelic dogs. I told him how agile she was that she jumps our 6 foot high dog runs to go meet visitors but the funiest thing she does is go back in the same way she came out when you tell her to get back in her run. She loves nothing else than to please us. We are hoping she will pass on her athletic abilities, muscle tone and good joints to all her offspring. She's very nice girl and you will love her big smile when you meet her. She had her last litter in 2009 and has retired to her own home in the country where she will be spoiled rotten.
Youngcountry Mon Amie is out of Blackpool's Emerald of Youngcountry and CAN. BISS CH. Cheek to Cheek Steve McQueen (Am. ptd). Amie is a sweet soul always enjoying a good runand retreaving sticks when out in the forest of Oro. In the pack she's the one teasing the others and running away with the stick. She's the playfull older sister to the young ones. Her temperament is one of the most trustworthy and stable. Every new challenge is exciting for her. She loves to meet new people and little kids are her favorite sort. She had her first pups with Dusty in 2007, all could of gone to show homes they were that nice. She had her last litter in 2009 and was retired.
Born November 08 2001 she was bred by Karin Klouman of Kyon kennels in Shelbourne. Tack is a very sweet girl who didn't like the show ring. We started her young but the more we tried the less she liked it. She preferred staying at home just like Dusty. Showing was just not her thing but that's ok she had other really nice things to offer. She loved everyone who came to visit and she loved to retrieve non-stop. Quite the entertainer she always stayed near us in the house asking to be cuddled in the house and wanted to chase ball in the house but she new it was a no cando. Half her photos she's either running or wagging her tail so most of them are a blur or a tailest dog LOL. She gave us two wonderful litters. Her last litter to Borden was her largest with a count of thirteen! Well deserved retirement for this girl.